Friday, March 27, 2015

Happy Friday!

Greetings gentle reader! I hope you're getting everything ready for an exciting adventure this weekend! What, you're not planning an adventure? Too expensive you say? Dang, that's why books are so helpful. When you need a getaway but can't afford it, a book can take you to places you only imagined/sometimes never imagined and you don't have to pack a single thing (assuming you always have your sense of wide-eyed wonder handy!)

That said, it's looking like a different kind of adventure is getting ready to show up on your front doorstep, unannounced. Actually the game is changing everyday, not that the corporate-owned media has commented but the blogosphere is alive with red flags...which the corporate lapdogs dismiss as rubbish, the incoherent rantings of the deranged minds that lurk in cyberspace.

The political situation globally is a trainwreck and those behind the scenes continue to throw gasoline on the fires they themselves started.

The real danger lies in the witchhunt...who are they going to blame for all this? More curious is the huge number of people that have been robbed by these manipulating scoundrels. People who operate 'above the law', (because they own the law/lawyers.) Who will the cheated extract their 'pound of flesh' from?

Maybe you don't need a book after all...(but the above isn't going to happen this weekend and since you have some free time on your hands...)

Just saying, ya know?

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