Thursday, April 23, 2015

Death to America!

On MSN's homepage they ran another of their famous 'top ten' lists and this time the topic was 'Five countries that hate America most.'

Naturally there are (many) more than five nations that don't share our exceptionalist point of view so they ran with 'Hates us most' followed by the 'stats'; which we have no way to verify.

In last place was our Drone training ground, Pakistan. Sort of a no-brainer but they like us more than the other four 'also rans' at a surprising 65% disapproval rate...guess you had to see the questions to better understand this comparatively lukewarm response.

Hating us more than our bombing buddies is Lebanon; now inundated with refugees from Syria and Iraq after US precipitated events in both countries. Now even there hatred isn't 'crazy bad' as it's only a percentage point higher than it is in Pakistan at 66%

Now we take a major leap in an unexpected direction, guess who hates us more than the Lebanese? Belarus!

What have we ever done to them you might ask? Back when I was researching currency values I found that Belarus had the lowest value of any currency on the entire planet! Wanna make an enemy, devaluing their money is a great way to start!

Doesn't help that this was expressed as one belarus dollar being worth one two thousandth of a US you know who exactly is responsible for turning your currency to trash (even if it was just to take advantage of the 'carry trade', that bizarre thing bankers do with the differences between currencies...which logic tells us doesn't exist;but who are we to tell the bankers they're wrong?)

Anyway 69% of Belarusians hate America or more precisely the US government! And the article fails to mention the example I cite but does point at currency trouble being a 'contributing factor' to Belarus's lack of love for the ol' USA.

Who hates us more than the Belarusians? Who do you think, the friend of my enemy is my enemy; so it should surprise no one that Palestine comes in SECOND at a whopping 72 % (and one has to wonder about the accuracy of that figure, are they really claiming 28% of Palestinians LIKE the US? Is it logical to believe that even ten percent of Palestinians are cool with what the US has done (Every UN vote to censure Israel is blocked by the US.))

While you have to give it to them regarding the 'most hated' list the implication that the list is much longer than five is present for the reader to observe or ignore.

We could make the same list using our so-called 'allies' and it wouldn't be wrong.

But who is 'leader of the pack'? Who in the world hates the USA the most? It's like taking a trip in the wayback machine, it isn't an Arab nation (the corporate owned media promises they all LOVE us...despite their involvement in 9/11) it's the republic that Old Ronnie Reagan slayed, the USSR!

Nixon gave us detente and now W's fourth term has turned the average Ivan on the street (a colossal 82%) into 'America Haters'.

This list might better be viewed as who is currently in the sights of the tail-gunning US media, an 'enemies list' if you would.

A simpler way of asking the same question is how many nations disapprove of the USA and the simple answer is how many nations are there?

If we were to ask how many nations approve of the USA, in all honesty, leaving 'compared to' out of the equation, the answer would be crickets chirping.

Even we don't approve of how things are done or where they're headed so it's self delusion to think any sane individual does...much less 'spirit in the sky'.

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