Greeting good citizen!
Today we do a 180 and I'm going to write about one of the offerings in my latest work, Big Questions.
Let's start with an excerpt (to see if I can whet some appetites around here:)
Um, this is just the tip of one of the icebergs floated by this cautionary tale. It also highlights the need for our species to alter how we go about bestowing decision-making ability upon people that often have zero qualifications to make those decisions...(remember yesterday's college educated idiots...which is not to say that everybody with a degree is a moron, (even if it seems that way sometimes.)
The Framus enjoyed twice it's normal compliment of visitors and, as usual I am baffled as to why some days this is metropolis and why most days it's a desert (although yesterday's post was somewhat left of the ol' 'reservation'.)
But I digress. If you want a position of responsibility what is the first thing you're required to do? You have to prove you're qualified!
Why does this requirement vanish once money enters the equation? Money definitly isn't brains but our old pal 'Stupid' apparently can't figure that out.
So why do we stand there twiddling our thumbs while the rich rip the rest of us off? Is it because the average member of law enforcement isn't smart enough to recognize when a crime is being commited...or worse, it's not a crime if a rich person does it? (Which is to opine that our ENTIRE (in)-Justice System' needs to be thrown out and rebuilt.)
Worse, the rich dude golfs with the Judge so he can get away just about anything because the Country club hasn't had an opening on it's membership roster since WWII.
Let me put a finer point on this...Justice, of the people and by the people means there isn't a 'judge' to override the jury, the jury IS the judge! (that kind of power shouldn't rest in any individual's hands, just ask one, they'll tell you...or slap you with contempt and have you jailed...just because they can.
We have to put an end to this kind of, er, BS.
as always, thank you for letting me inside your head...
Today we do a 180 and I'm going to write about one of the offerings in my latest work, Big Questions.
Let's start with an excerpt (to see if I can whet some appetites around here:)
Colonizing space is an expensive proposition and the Baron had no intention of footing the entire tab alone. The building of the ship and stocking it for a long mission would create millions of jobs, jobs that were desperately needed by the governments of the world.
Like every great endeavor intended to benefit all mankind, the world’s governments competed for contracts with The Eye of Orion Corporation, often building facilities and training workers at the public’s expense.
In exchange for the use of public funds, the Baron and the UN made a compromise where the Baron would submit a Constitution and a Bill of Rights for the eventual inhabitants of The Eye of Orion, once the colony became ‘viable’. Until then, the colony would be run as a corporation with the colonists being considered ‘employees’.
The contents of these two important documents and at what point the colony would be considered ‘viable’ were left entirely up to the Baron with the UN being named as the nominal ‘overseer’ of this process.
This little factoid about the colony eventually becoming a full fledged republic could be found in extremely fine print on the back of page thirty-one of the colonist agreement. The front of these contracts spelled out vague land grants and, depending on who it was, bestowed nominal titles upon the signatory that were granted by the nominal Emperor, who was none other than the Baron himself.
Once word got out that the Baron was setting up a monarchy in space, the media had a field day. Despite the negative publicity (or perhaps aided by it) those who liked the idea of getting in on the ground floor of the next big thing plunked down buckets of cash to secure for themselves a Duchy or Barony on ‘The Eye’.
Um, this is just the tip of one of the icebergs floated by this cautionary tale. It also highlights the need for our species to alter how we go about bestowing decision-making ability upon people that often have zero qualifications to make those decisions...(remember yesterday's college educated idiots...which is not to say that everybody with a degree is a moron, (even if it seems that way sometimes.)
The Framus enjoyed twice it's normal compliment of visitors and, as usual I am baffled as to why some days this is metropolis and why most days it's a desert (although yesterday's post was somewhat left of the ol' 'reservation'.)
But I digress. If you want a position of responsibility what is the first thing you're required to do? You have to prove you're qualified!
Why does this requirement vanish once money enters the equation? Money definitly isn't brains but our old pal 'Stupid' apparently can't figure that out.
So why do we stand there twiddling our thumbs while the rich rip the rest of us off? Is it because the average member of law enforcement isn't smart enough to recognize when a crime is being commited...or worse, it's not a crime if a rich person does it? (Which is to opine that our ENTIRE (in)-Justice System' needs to be thrown out and rebuilt.)
Worse, the rich dude golfs with the Judge so he can get away just about anything because the Country club hasn't had an opening on it's membership roster since WWII.
Let me put a finer point on this...Justice, of the people and by the people means there isn't a 'judge' to override the jury, the jury IS the judge! (that kind of power shouldn't rest in any individual's hands, just ask one, they'll tell you...or slap you with contempt and have you jailed...just because they can.
We have to put an end to this kind of, er, BS.
as always, thank you for letting me inside your head...
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