Sunday, July 26, 2015

Hand Waving

Greetings good citizen, Hand waving refers to the misdirection manipulators use to distract you from what they're really doing. Most people don't appreciate having their attention being brought to the very obvious fact they are being deceived but hey, it's another one of those some of the people, some of the time, sort of things and if you don't like it, stick it!

Crawling back on my proverbial 'soapbox' (I've been away for quite a while...but nothing's changed.) I'd like to, er, challenge the reasoning behind the latest misbegotten 'band-aid' being proposed for those forced by our odious management system to a life of perpetual penury.

Succinctly, the 'echo' of the proposal to raise the Federal minimum wage to $15.00 an hour. (effectively doubling what it currently is in most states.)

I started working around 1970 and the minimum wage was $1.50 an hour.

Are you beginning to see the problem here?

Raise the wage and guess what will happen...yup, prices will go up! What a shocker!

Next thing you know we'll have homeless people starving to death at $15 an hour...and the cry will be to raise the minimum wage to $20!

Rinse and repeat.

Wanna get off the foolish treadmill? You gotta attack the problem at its root, with the handful of people who have robbed their way to billionaire status.

No irony should be lost on the fact that these are the same people who claim to be the 'job creators'...when nothing could be further from the truth. You do what you do because you have to, just like the laws governing money were meant to be (abused.)

Wanna live indoors and eat regularly? Need money to do that and why? Because 'the law' will take your land, your children and even your freedom if you refuse to 'play the game'...

So, are the people running this turkeyshoot starting to look like a bunch of criminals? Well, everybody knows the answer to that one.

The real question is how do we get off this crazy train before they run it off a cliff (which we can all see coming?)

We all saw how the 'Occupy' movement ended, big fat fact, so ineffective as to lead one to suspect the whole thing was staged, just like the film, 'Wag the Dog'...

But hope can be drawn from a little incident that occurred up here in the North East, when a cousin weaseled control of a beloved chain of grocery stores from it's longtime chairman/manager.

Workers walked off the job and customers boycotted the store until Arthur T was restored to the helm. The event is unprecidented in modern history and just a glimmer of what we all know to be true.

United We Stand.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,

Gegner, um, George, well, whatever.

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